Community Insight

Outside Influence is a community-led research initiative run by Good Organisation (Social Ventures) CIC in collaboration with a diverse range of voluntary groups and academic partners across York.

It seeks to strengthen participatory democracy by building knowledge around issues that local people care about, and by collectively working to address shared concerns.

This platform currently serves as an open source repository for our research and is still in development.

As a social enterprise, Good Organisation’s mission is to support some of York’s most marginalised residents to share in the positive benefits of the city’s thriving visitor economy.

Our research themes principally focus on regenerative tourism, alongside the underlying causes of social and financial exclusion from a lived experience perspective.

Listen & Learn

Latest Project

York Tourism
Impacts & Community-Led Solutions

Documentary and academic research of the impacts of tourism in York culminating with local residents suggesting community-led solutions.

July 2024

People’s insights can help us problem solve, innovate and create effective change. 


The Vision

= IndividuaI

Inviting people to share experiences and ideas. 

= Experience Feedback Loop

Hearing and learning from others.

= Meaningful Action

Do something with what you have learned. 

Get in touch to find out more
[email protected]

Show & Tell

Unveiling Human Stories and Research

We’re excited to share our first project
The first project marks an exciting new collaboration between Good Organisation and LIFE (Lived Insights From Experience) relaying peoples struggles and celebrations of unsettled living in York.

Want to see more?

Head over to the Community Links page for all available content.


A successful transition. He is now living in his own flat and supports his community.





“My interest is not data, it’s the world. And part of world development you can see in numbers. Others, like human rights, empowerment of women, it’s very difficult to measure in numbers.”

Hans Rosling

©2022 Outside Influence