Listen & Learn

We’ve influenced books about homelessness, blueprints for living spaces, maps of the local area and data to initiate much needed conversations…

Lived. Living. Live. Experience.

All our projects utilise all stages of experience from past and present to help shape considered possibilities and convey human realities.

York Tourism
Impacts & Community-Led Solutions

Documentary and academic research of the impacts of tourism in York culminating with local residents suggesting community-led solutions.

July 2024

Ongoing research of living experiences within the City of York to highlight what unsettled living and homelessness really means.

July 2024

A unique experiment bringing people that have experienced homelessness, together with architects and designers.

October 2020

A collaborative book that uncovers how public misconceptions of homelessness continue to shape public attitudes to issue.

January 2023

A creative think tank to discuss what makes cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable?

May 2023

“You wouldn't go into a cafe, and they just hand you a drink or sandwich and you go... Oh, OK thanks!”

Hugo Sugg

©2022 Outside Influence