York Tourism

Impacts and Community-Led Solutions

A collaborative project between
York St John University, York Business School, Institute for Social Justice and Good Organisation

This project explores how York residents experience tourism within the city, and how the visitor economy can be harnessed more effectively to promote local community-wealth building.

Watch the highlights or the full documentary

A short film where 12 local residents talk about their personal experiences of tourism, and offer up solutions to benefit our heritage, promote greater diversity, and ensure that tourism better serves visitors and residents alike.
Read the full academic report

The full report offers deeper insights into many of the underlying issues, drawing upon information that was captured through an online survey, in-depth interviews, and from two community conversation sessions with local residents.

It also uncovers the rapid growth of York’s visitor economy and the strategies which have underpinned that, while providing key examples of community-led tourism approaches from across the world that could be replicated locally.
Dip into the zine for a quick summary

The zine provides a snapshot of the key findings from our research, in a small enough format to carry around with you, in case it’s useful to share any of the information in conversation.

65 residents fed-back on the positive and negative impacts through an online survey.

12 residents were interviewed for a documentary to capture their perspectives on the impacts of tourism and potential for community-led solutions.


*Make it York 2023 Tourism Report **Approximate ratio

The focus on tourism in York is overshadowing the needs of the residents, diminishing our quality of life and the city's unique character.

York Resident


Watch the highlights from the discussion with 12 local residents on the impacts of tourism in York and their suggestions for 10 community-led solutions.

Click below to view the full 60 minute documentary for more in-depth insights and extended recordings of their experiences.


10 solutions from local residents

Empowering local communities to share their stories creates a richer experience for tourists and residents alike

Phil Bixby
Architect & Resident

Finding a balance between commercial tourism and activities for local people is crucial

Matt Raines

Developing safe havens from alcohol-based tourism that are welcoming to families, local residents and tourists

Sam Leach & Tom McKenzie
SPARK (Urban Creative Space) & Residents

We need to look at less extractive tourist accommodation

Paul Jones
Founder of HYPHA & Resident

We need to consider equality and diversity within the tourism strategy

 Shamim Iman
Founder of York Mela Festival & Resident

We need to support and promote events that highlight the diversity of local culture

Jake Furby
York LGBT Forum & Resident

Facilitating connections between local residents with similar concerns can lead to stronger self advocacy


Could we introduce a Night Mayor to grow the night-time economy?

Joe Coates & Harkirit Boparai
Promoters at The Crescent Community Venue & Residents

Could we consider a tourism levy to maintain the aesthetics, culture and heritage of our city?

Ali Bodley
Heritage Consultant & Resident

Could we have an equipment bank for disabled visitors?

Helen Jones
York Disability Rights Forum & Resident


Residents attended workshops to shape a Shared City Manifesto which aims to benefit both residents and tourists. The partnership would like to develop a Residents Tourism Assembly to further this work, and enable residents’ voices to shape York’s Tourism Strategy.

1. Community-Owned Event Space
Civic leaders to facilitate access to community-owned event spaces offering a range of cultural and affordable activities for both residents and tourists.
2. Resident-Led Festivals
Create opportunities for York’s residents to develop and deliver festivals, attracting both locals and visitors.
3. Community-Owned Pubs
Enable residents to purchase and manage community-owned pubs, promoting local ownership over chain establishments.
4. Community-Owned Farms / Allotments
Encourage residents to purchase and run community-owned farms. Promote local produce to the hospitality sector to enhance the use of locally grown products.
5. FairBnB Model
Introduce a model like FairBnB to generate funds for community-led initiatives and mitigate the negative impacts of tourism.
6. Improved Transport Links
Establish a community-owned bike hire shop as part of better transport links for both residents and tourists.
7. Connect Communities with Tourism
Involve residents in local markets and events aimed at tourists.
8. Rethink Student Accommodation
Utilise student accommodations out of term time for co-living and hybrid accommodation.
9. Tourism Levy
Introduce a ring-fenced tourism levy to address the negative impacts of tourism, allowing residents to influence its allocation.
10. Transparency in Property Ownership
Provide access to information about property ownership in York.
11. Support Independent Shops
Stimulate opportunities for independent shops to attract both visitors and residents.
12. Creative Collaborative Spaces
Create affordable spaces for creative collaboration and artist studios to diversify York’s attractions.
13. Local Economic Plan
Ensure residents have a voice in shaping local economic development which prioritise the planet and the people.
14. Promote Local Music and Art Venues to Diversify Visitor Attractions
Promote the smaller and lesser-known community events spaces to develop a richer offering for visitors and tourists.

Infrastructure and Environmental Protection

1. Pride in the City’s Appearance
Enhance green spaces, improve paving, and address closed shop fronts. Provide more benches to support access for residents and visitors.
2. Environmental Protection
Support initiatives to protect the environment, especially against flooding.
3. Open Access to Green Spaces
Ensure open access to York’s strays for local resident events.
4. Restrict Holiday Lets
Implement legislation to limit the number of holidays lets per postcode area.
5. Sustainable Museum Revenue
Encourage York’s visitor attractions to buy from local suppliers and re-invest in the city.
6. Tax on Empty Shops
Propose a national or local tax on empty shops to discourage property neglect and landlords only purchasing for investment.
7. Diversify York’s Image
Develop communications that highlight York’s diverse attractions.
8. Resident Benefits in Cultural Sector
Offer residents’ weekends or a card granting access to York’s museums and cultural sector throughout the year.
9. Promote Local Products
Increase availability of Yorkshire-produced goods for both residents and visitors.
10. Public Amenities
Enhance access to public amenities, including baby changing facilities, disabled access, and more public toilets.
11. Peripheral Car Parks
Develop more car parks and distribution points on the outskirts of the city.

Phil chats about...

Below is a video playlist of snippets from the chat we had with Phil about using local Support Services in York. They have been selected to give quick insights into various topics that will be of interest to everyone.

Some audios and text that Tom chats about may contain sensitive or upsetting material. Please use your discretion when listening.

Collaboratively produced by

Community Research, Zine and Documentary Lead
Natasha Almond

Research Authors
Bethan Jones, Natasha Almond and Kenny Leiske 

Executive Producers
Dr Brendan Paddison, Dr Jenny Hall and Kenny Leiske

Documentary Post-Production and Zine design
Justin Grasty 

Tourism should be inclusive, ensuring residents can enjoy the city's offerings, not just catering to outside visitors.


©2022 Outside Influence